Across the Fiumorte, the weeping ditches of Chantákia combines
ancient tomb, fortress and strip mine. Once an independent city,
Chantákia is a decadent district. It can be reached from Bacino by
ferry, barque or skiff or southern roads from Scissaxa, Lagelido and
Manescor. Yellow mud, rich in limonite clings to everything. Chantákia
is famed for ochre, iron, copper, gold and jewels - bloodstone,
carnelian, malachite and turquoise. Many Chantákians ochre their hair
red or yellow, wearing red ochre to ward against magic. Viaducts cross
the ditches in a concave web of roads and fortified tollgates.
Chantákia is quarried into a three-mile wide irregular bowl of ten
descending ditches. with a tumulus at it's heart. Atop this, a spiral
path girded by walls and trenches leads to a castle. This is home to
the Hammon. This bull-masked man has an ogre's appetites and strength,
demanding tribute for sacrificial pyres. Nine mail-armoured minotaurs
form the Hammon's bodyguard. His will is enforced by brutal soldiers or
kakonychia. These soldiers wear breastplate, bat-winged helm
and clawed gauntlets wielding trident, flail and steel shields. They
enforce tolls and laws in that order. Each tollgate has a firepit
underneath a hollow iron bull statue. The condemned are locked inside
and fires fed until the bull glows red-hot. The bulls amplify and
distort screams into bellowing. On midsummer and midwinter, this
reverberates across Chantákia.
The Bacino ferry docks at Eisfora, a levee at the northwest edge.
Semi-domesticated rats befriend anyone sharing food. Slaves march north
on the Scaladuro, a mile-long descent for assessment then sale. The
guarded slave trains move slowly. The second and third tiers suffer
flooded sewers and cane toad infestations from turquoise mining.
Typical miners are feverish bufotenin addicts, obsequious and reeking.
Under the Scaladuro has the greatest yield, though the northeast yields
turquoise and malachite. The fourth tier is a quarry for yellow clay,
dug out by convicts in grueling conditions. Kilns on this tier make
pottery and yellow ochre. The prison lies under a viaduct and garrison
so the kakonychia abuse certain convicts without reprisal. The
fifth tier is a massive market. Buyers can purchase armour, books,
clothing, copper ingots, leather, malachite, ochre, pots, turquoise
jewellry and weapons. Mercenaries from the Avernine seek work. The
sixth tier has masons, potters, sculptors and kilns. Decorative tiles,
carved bricks and statues from here are raised all over the city. This
industry contrasts with the decrepit seventh tier. Here fugitives lie
low among cane toads, played-out turquoise beds and serpents with human
faces. The eighth tier is prone to subsidence. Most buildings lie
ruined and empty but armourers to the east craft mail scarves weighted
with steel. These scarves are prized by warriors.
The eastern part of Chantákia is known for mineral wealth. The first
tier holds slave pens and overseers. These work on the second through
fifth tiers mining and smelting iron, copper and gold. Blast furnaces
of red brick spit fire and forge wrought iron balls called tostomas for sale. Feral cats haunt the smelters and hunt rats. The sixth tier houses miners and a market trading in copper and gold, tostomas
and gems. The seventh tier holds gemsmiths and jewelers with locked
vaults guarded by traps, owlbears and minotaurs. The eighth tier has
merchant villas, bankers and moneychangers. While the Hamman rules,
this part of Chantákia is heard by the city. Oroguidan mercenaries and catenisti are used to maintain security.
Western Chantákia is a poor relation. The top two tiers quarry for
ochre and carnelian in brutal conditions while wealth flows south and
east. The third tier houses slave pens and overseer quarters in narrow,
fortified houses. Rioting in the pens is commonplace. The fourth tier
is home to the Dioris, a caste of astrologers, sorcerors and seers
dealing in omens, oracles and divination. Clad in gold two-faced masks
they are feared. The Dioris foresaw the fall of Chantákia to the city's
founders and the Hammon's tribute to Manescor. The fifth tier is a
necropolis. Rich mausoleums face eastward and are tended by
gravediggers and professional mourners under the eastern wall. The
sixth tier houses groves of fig trees. Tended by locals, these yield
figs, latex and bark sold to the seventh tier. The seventh tier is a
slum of dyers, tanners and weavers. Buckram, fine leathers, ochre-red
line and cloth-of-gold are produced for sale. Orphans usually become
apprenticed here. At the eighth tier is a coliseum. The temples of the
ninth tier sponsor athletic games to keep rivalries from turning into
riots. Parades to the coliseum are rowdy affairs. Streets turn out
armed to 'show respect for the athletes' and perhaps to deter sectarian
Southern Chantákia is part-owned by Manescor under jurisdiction of
Lady Aureglas, former chatelaine of Gelusanguis. This annoys most
Chantákians but Aureglas has impressed the Hamman with equally fair and
cruel judgements. Aureglas and Fiammera of Animardente regularly
correspond in ciphers. The first tier routes traffic maximising tolls
for Lagelido while reducing them for Manescor and Scissaxa. At
crossroads, markets hawk goods. Behind these, tavernas and bordellos
offer services. The second to fourth tiers mine and smelt iron.
Smelters make tostomas for Manescor. Leftover goethite is made
into brown ochre. The fifth tier is ceded to Aureglas as tribute after
an insurrection was quelled by her agents. She lives in a palatial
central villa surrounded by gifts from artists, petitioners and
hangers-on. The sixth tier, Bosambages, is a ghetto for minotaurs.
Their devotion to the Hammon spurs rumours of breeding with humans,
profane worship and other perversions. The seventh tier has a
bloodstone mine on it's western edge, worked by Hamman loyalists and
slaves. Aureglas has sent agents to test their loyalty. A tenth of
output is sent to Manescor as tribute. The eighth tier is known for
smithies - armourer, blacksmith, finesmith and weaponsmith toil over
their wares. Chantákian smiths have numerous techniques to improve
goods. All valued, some need black market activity, others need
bloodshed at the beginning, middle or end.
Kykliero, the ninth tier, holds monasteries, temples and
preceptories. Preachers, prophets and pilgrims fill the streets.
Temple rivalries are usually channeled into athletic games in the
western coliseum but violent outbreaks occur. Oroguidan and Avernine
mercenaries profit from occasional work here. The Hamman threatens to
run bulls through the temples 'to tame them' when violence occurs. Both
he and Aureglas have agents here.
The bottom basin, Gyalilofo, houses the Hamman's court. Owning the
city's biggest herd, he pays handsomely for cowsheds and cowherds to
keep them safe. Strange drugs and fatal venoms are brewed by alchemists
at his behest to fulfill bizarre whims. Owlbear farms with breeders
and trainers have become lucrative. Eggs and young are bought and sold
with owlbears trained and bred for diverse violent purposes. At the
heart is the tumulus and fortress. Those living here attend court
three times a year. Snubbing the court and the Hamman can be fatal.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
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Another great city write-up, loaded with atmosphere. I like that bufotenin got worked in there.
ReplyDeleteA bit of professional pedantry: The cane toad of our world isn't a great bufotenin source given that it secretes small amounts but larger amounts of bufotoxin! Other species (B. alvarius, the Colorado River Toad, for one) are more common sources. :)
@Trey - Thanks very much. This one took a little bit longer than expected, glad you liked it.
ReplyDeleteRe: pedantry - Glad I have discerning readers! Went with cane toads due to size and prolific breeding. The miners are desperate enough to risk poisoning to get their high...